Innovate & Evolve Together


I'm Allera Dawn...

I am an Eclectic woman...

And I believe this is our ERA!

You have outgrown the old boxes, labels & IDENTITIES

No longer defined by the old notion of success.  We are carving out our own inner truths & refining our values

Allowing our unique inner self to be seen & that powerful flame to ignite the future we are creating through using our voices for positive change, our intuition to bring forward the next big creative solution & to tap into the 'unseen' opportunities which arise when we start to align our inner reality first to see the outer change we desire.  

New solutions aren't created in the same environment they were formed.  

 It requires a consciousness expansion.  

Until we make the unconscious, conscious. It rules us from the shadows. It drains our mental energy & natural vitality.

The blind spots cost us TIME, MONEY & ENERGY

They can have us existing in loops rather than thriving with more flow & ease.

I support change makers, positive impact founders, high achieving corporate leaders desiring change, conscious entrepreneurs, CEO's who desire to uncover the unconscious blocks to transcend them & soulful evolutionaries who stand for positive impact in the world!

Stepping out of the boxes of limitation &
allowing your light to shine 

True freedom came when I allowed myself to embody ALL parts of myself

Then re-wired my lens of perception in how I expressed the wisdom, the expertise & the gifts through my business, my art, creativity & ideas. 

Embracing the 'woo' and work for consciousness evolution
 It was through embracing the integration of many of my more spiritual gifts whilst navigating a high flying career in Finance &
re-training as a clinical hypnotherapist & in Gestalt therapy- which put it ALL into practice.

I believe running a purpose led business, as a conscious woman, is a path of ongoing personal growth.

 We are literally paving new roads!

My expertise is I can access YOUR unseen energetic blocks and the quantum potential opportunities. My ability is to provide deep energy architecture re-alignment, & healing which creates the transformations many spend years attempting.

Combine this with bespoke elevated business strategy & I can assist my clients in both the deep inner growth & collapse the timelines around results.

 Modern Day High Priestess, Channel, Healer & 
Business Coach 
(25 years Corporate/leadership/Business & Clinical experience under my belt)

Our Mission  

Our mission is clear:
We are dedicated to empower conscious self leaders, purpose led business owners who are part of the consciousness evolution occurring on our planet. Co-creating a new world together through our dedication to our own consciousness expansion.  

Purpose led
Awakening & activating inner wisdom, creativity & innovation through transformational immersions and experiences. 

Female Focus
 Creating pathways for women to embrace & embody their ‘Eclectic nature, expertise & vision’. To claim their unique gifts & birth them into the world to bring forward new innovation, conscious business models, ideas and solutions for positive impact.

To alchemise whatever is in the way, re-write their inner scripts & create a thriving life based on their terms.  

The vision
We believe that by liberating ourselves in ways our feminine ancestors couldn’t. We raise the consciousness on the planet & future generations together.  

The Key Values

Pillar 1: 
Elevating consciousness 

Pillar 2:
Expression- Use your voice 
Sharing diverse perspectives for expansion

Pillar 3:
Remember it's ALL a miracle 
Embrace the beauty in the mundane & the magic.  Live with curiosity & expand.

Pillar 4: 
Empowering conscious self leadership

Pillar 5: 
Business for positive change in the world

Pillar 6: 
Money for amplified good (profit & purpose sustainably)

Pillar 7:
Give & receive 
(Embody the frequency of abundance of both gratitude, celebration & sharing)

Pillar 8:
Joy innovation
Build on the 'credits' of joy daily & honour your creative energy



Pure Light 1111
Soul Aligned Living
on iTunes

This is a podcast for conscious women on their soul journey of awakening. The change makers, box burning pioneers & visionaries. We will be going deep in all areas of spirituality, business, healing, wealth, abundance and legacy! 

For those who like to fly high & expand their consciousness but quite like keeping their feet on the ground 
& enjoying this Earthly ride 
at the same time! 

This episode is a treasure trove of wisdom for anyone on a spiritual journey, whether you're just beginning to explore or are well into your path. Allera's warmth and knowledge make this conversation not just informative but truly transformative.

In this podcast we delve into the following:
1:  Setting personal boundaries at work to prevent burnout.
2:  How to cope in high pressured environments - balancing imposter syndrome vs self belief.  
3: Understanding why we get overwhelmed at work and in life.  
4: Being more energy conscious and self aware.
 5: How to stay grounded amidst uncertainty.
6: Are companies doing enough to support workplace wellness?
7: How companies are approaching neurodiversity. 
8: Taking a holistic approach to our work to perform at our highest selves.

iTunes Reviews


Free program

(2024 is YOUR year)

 Do you desire to escape the boxes & labels you have found yourself contained within?

Ready to move past the limits that hold you back from your true potential?

Have you found yourself hiding parts of your self? Toning down your vibrancy, not sharing your true big picture soul vision, perhaps hiding your spiritual intuitive side whilst navigating your day to day life?

When we don't own ALL parts of our self we naturally spend more time and energy suppressing our true nature than letting it all shine and inspiring others!

It's time for the New Earth Feminine leaders, change makers, activists and visionaries to allow their multi faceted selves to be seen.

You are the bridges between the old and new paradigm
Own your story, your journey, your big dreams and desires and celebrate the experiences along the way!

Let's get started!- Join now

Allera’s premise is intuitive and simple: As the mind, body, soul & energy field are connected, we need an approach to wellness & personal development that is also connected.

Her ‘Whole-istic’ approach is a unique and tailored 360-degree process to 
Total wellness that impacts all areas of life.

Soul Architect Series™ 360 Transformation & Healing Process

Tending to our inner world to create lasting outer changes in life.


With over two decades of experience in the high-demand environment of Global Investment Banks, managing teams in London and New York, and personal self-development. Allera bring a unique 360 view across multiple industries. This experience provides invaluable insights into workplace dynamics, change management, and the influence of management styles on culture, employee empowerment, and engagement.

Leading with Purpose during a changing business landscape is not a luxury; it’s a necessity.

Purpose can be a powerful driver of engagement & becomes a collective glue that re-ignites team morale and motivation.  Understanding that our contribution holds a bigger impact than just the bottom line, elevates past the daily challenges and into a more empowered big picture lens.  Something that historically has only been held by those at the top of organisations.

The face of business is changing, with new models emerging to deal with evolving workforce and technology demands, not to mention the mental health fallout and unresolved trauma from the pandemic. A conscious approach to business affects not only employees, teams, and company culture, but it also impacts risk and profitability. 

Injecting new principles into business can begin to balance leadership styles and work environments, nurturing more presence, creativity, connection, collaboration, and diversity. Unlocking fresh vision and ideas. Prioritising emotional intelligence, connection with others, and trusting intuition along with data can provide a leading edge for any team. 

My training and workshops aim to inspire leaders to fully embrace and live their purpose, causing a ripple effect. Teams become happier, healthier, and more motivated, forming robust bonds and managing stress more effectively. 

This engages leaders and employees, fostering creativity and helping them find true meaning in their work. A shared vision and values can create a sense of community that can withstand changing tides. 


Allera has the rare capacity to help you connect your unique light-filled essence with strong roots of grounded strategy and action.  She helped me expand past what I believed was possible for myself in line with the current landscape of business & align to the new paradigm.  For me this activated a deep knowing of the positive impact I am here to create and that all of my life experiences to date have been part of the training ground.  
Her gift is to help you elevate in all areas of your life.
Rebecca (US)


Empowering Yourself Through The Stages Of Consciousness Expansion & Vibrational Shifts Which Occur As You Evolve

Immediate Access To This Powerful Program

Section 1: Teaching Session (1hr 20 mins)
Section 2: 3D-5D Energetic Clearing & Upgrade (43mins)
Section 3: Toolkit of modern day rituals to support self & family through change & transformation



This Community Is For Women Who Are Courageously Choosing To Embrace Their Spiritual Gifts & Ancient Soul Wisdom. They Are Reclaiming The Power Of Their Feminine Energy, Innate Desire For Pleasure & To Live From A Place Of Deep Embodiment.


 Keys Of The Goddess-
The Light Of Isis Healing System™

Become The Key Holder Of The Light Of ISIS Healing System

This Powerful Journey Is An Invitation To Fully Embody The System Through Your Own Initiation Journey To Heal Yourself, Open Your Physical Body/Channels/Energy Bodies To Hold The Energy System & Utilize The Keys, Symbols And Tools To Accelerate Healing Breakthroughs In Your Own Clients


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