Liberation Series: Ascending the Mother Wound Program

Online Program

Liberation Series: Ascending the Mother Wound
A gateway for a new world

The connection with our mother sets the foundation of  experience throughout our entire lives...

From conception, through pregnancy, birth & beyond we are forming a imprint and blueprint of our feminine aspect through the interwoven connection & experiences of our mother.  We take on her energetic lens of experience & those of the women before her.

As women seek to re-awaken their feminine energy & 
re-birth a whole new world based on inner harmony & integration of their masculine & feminine aspects. 

 It is through healing the mother wound that we access the new template of Divine Mother & Divine Feminine.

Through our own calling to heal we transform ourselves & the relationships in all areas of our lives.

Life- Family-Business & Society Will Evolve

Take a inner exploration, healing & liberation journey from point of conception right the way to the main threshold of womanhood (teenage years) which have imprinted your body connection which forms the template for feminine energy & your mind/body connection 

Instant Download Online Program

Go at your own pace
Each weekly ceremony will allow you to access the unconscious & subconscious beliefs, trauma, energy, imprints and stories which belong to you and your ancestors.  

With conscious awareness we can then create new patterns, form new neural pathways, and heal at the root- soul!  Which means a new lease of life & realisation you are more than the personality formed based on unmet needs & wounding.

This program assists you in liberating yourself - which means to move past your stories of childhood & maturation

Life truly begins when we heal these wounds and transcend the programming of the lower 3 energy centres.


Investment: £888

 Session 1: Opening Ceremony. Deep liberation Soul level healing for you & your ancestral line. Understanding your role in choosing your family & the lessons you needed. Releasing the energetic burdens which aren't for you to carry.  This is a powerful energetic clearing which will draw a line in the sand & allow you to start to co-create with your soul not holding the luggage of your ancestors which is hampering your growth (karmic entrapment).

Session 2: Conception, the womb, birth & safety in the body & on Earth. Love, first touch, soul integration into body all effect our unconscious perspective of the world. We will go deep into the re-architecture level to release imprints affecting early life periods. Recoding the line with the love & Divine Mother energy they ALL needed.  

Session 3: Childhood Programming- The wounds of attachment, unmet needs & cultural/education templates which are designed to cut girls from their confidence. Elevating past shame & reclaiming joy. 

Session 4: The threshold to womanhood. Healing our wounds around this important transition & the feminine wounded imprints & belief templates from mother & lineage around sexuality, fear, judgement, suppression & men. Including feminine wounding from jealousy, competition & betrayal of the feminine. Self acceptance & a new deep love for your body (minus whatever you have been carrying which was an overlay of your mother).

Plus Bonus support materials - energetic clearings- forgiveness soul 
re-alignment- Body talk session (Helping you develop clear intuitive dialogue with your body)

Allera Dawn
The  Modern Day High Priestess
Founder of Pure Light 1111, 
Spiritual Life & Business Coach, 
Multi-Dimensional healer , Channel, 
Author, Public Speaker & Podcast Host
Client Testimonials

''I have experienced so much growth from just the first session. It started to be evident in my daily life with family and work within 2 weeks. I look forward to diving deeper & moving past my challenging upbringing!''

''This has really helped me understand the root of my heightened sensitivity.  I am now able to set healthy boundaries and respect my intutive nudges.  I listen to & trust the red flags''.

''by the end of the program i had not only healed deep historical wounds.  i chose myself & have become the first of my lineage to leave an abusive marriage.  i have filed for divorce & found a new home!  So will be moving state with my children.  It's been an incredible quantum leap and I know I am ready to a fresh start!''
Feminine Liberation comes when we recognise we hold the keys to break the Shakcles affecting ourselves & all women who walked before us

We recognise that the women before us did their best with the tools they had & now we get to Rise above our experiences

in healing ourselves we have the power to send that back to those within our ancestral lines - We break the patterns

What was created due to pain, lack of love & wounding get's to be alchemized

we empower ourselves & act as a beacon of light for others to find theirs

Join Allera Dawn, Founder of PURE LIGHT 1111
THE MODERN DAY HIGH PRIESTESS, for a powerful immersion to heal, transform & evolve from the past

The premise of this way of working through choosing to step into a container to evolve.  Is that by working through the layers of each wound, program, ancestral miasma & supporting the soul to re-integrate at areas of trauma or unmet needs.  There is a completion of the multi dimensional cycle affecting Soul/Energetics-Energy body damage-Body (subconscious)-Emotions-Mind level.  

This is a process of healing, maturation & re-parenting yourself back to wholeness & renewed connection to your own Divine Blueprint & the right to experience pleasure, inner connection, joy, inner peace & a new lens to live more embodied.

It takes up a huge amount of energy to hold onto the past & be weighed down by the choices & karma of our ancestors.  This is often a glass ceiling we become held back by.

Now is your time to evolve.  No more learning through the burden & struggles of the past pain.  It's time to liberate your soul & step into the chapter which belongs to your thriving.

Week 1: Opening Ceremony.  Deep liberation Soul level healing for you & your ancestral line.  Understanding your role in choosing your family & the lessons you needed. Releasing the energetic burdens which aren't for you to carry.  

Week 2: Conception, the womb, birth & safety in the body & on Earth. Love, first touch, soul integration into body all effect our unconscious perspective of the world.  We will go deep into the re-architecture level to release imprints affecting early life periods. 

Week 3: Childhood Programming- The wounds of attachment,  unmet needs & cultural/education templates which are designed to cut girls from their confidence.  Elevating past shame & reclaiming joy.  

Week 4: The threshold to womanhood.  Healing our wounds around this important transition & the feminine wounded imprints & belief templates from mother & lineage around sexuality, fear, judgement, suppression & men.  Including feminine wounding from jealousy, competition & betrayal of the feminine.

Throughout the immersion you will be provided with integration materials to support your own inner self awareness & moving through the energy upgrades.

Allera brings a wealth of both personal & client experience in leading these transformational journeys from over a decade.

She takes women on existential journeys of inner alchemy within her ceremonies, bespoke coaching containers & 121 sessions. Working with the multi-dimensional realms, bringing conscious awareness to blind spots & root causes from both a human self & soul self level. Bringing energetic & soul healing & clearing which creates a frequency shift. Allowing access to deeper wisdom revealed with each person. Re-writing the sub-conscious programming & resetting the nervous system to feel safe to feel. 

Opening up to a new expansive outer reality of possibilities.

This program is for you if...

- You are being called to heal the Imbalance of your feminine and masculine energy & are desiring to re-connect to your body, pleasure, creativity & life force

- You are desiring to break patterns of overwhelm, over giving, people pleasing & burn out that are affecting personal and work dynamics

- you are seeking to tap into a deeper sense of safety from within

- you are seeking to feel more open emotionally & energetically.  To open the throat, heart & womb to reclaim your feminine energy channel

- You had a difficult birth, and it seems you struggle to find your place in this world

- You have a deep sense of not being safe in the world or trusting new experiences

- you are a mother or desire to become one & feel called to heal the patterns you are aware aren't serving the expression of motherhood you desire to embody

This Program Is For You If...
You Are A Conscious Female Leader

- You Desire To Make Changes In How You Live Your Life & Do Business

- You Are Curious About How You Can Make Changes Within Yourself That Influence Others Around You

- You Are In A leadership Role & Want To Understand How The Mother Wound Plays Out In The Workplace Constellation

- You Are Committed to Breaking The Pattern Of Competition, Comparison & Sabotage (Dark Sisterhood) Within The Business

- You Have Noticed Patterns That Appear As Blocks To Abundance When You Are Required To Step Up (Money Flow, New Business/Clients & Opportunities, Love)

Allera Dawn, Founder of PURE LIGHT 1111

Allera Dawn is shaking up industries & perceptions.

Known as The Modern Day High Priestess, founder of Pure Light 1111 & creator of her ground-breaking Soul Architect Series ™ healing technology.

Allera is a visionary & change maker who is using her experience to bridge between many industries going through huge evolution, including Finance, Business & Wellness. Her unique edge is that she has 25 years first-hand experience working within them all.
Her belief is that we need conscious leaders who have evolved past their own inner wounds to take us through this next stage of humanities evolution. Those who are able to hold a stable energy field, vision & direction amongst rapid change. This requires a huge shift in perspective as we move into an era of frequency. The top down models crumble when we see 50% with an activated heart field (we're at 49%). Naturally driving all changes in choices in who we work for, where we live, how we educate children & new ways of conscious business forming.

When women awaken to the true depths of their feminine power. The truth is revealed around the fear this created in Patriarchy and just why is was stamped out. It's only us who can reclaim this. It is through us we re-birth it. We are the change.

Allera works with women ready to become unapologetically all of themselves. Helping them reclaim their feminine power, heal from past trauma, rewrite their life script & access more pleasure, wealth & impact. Her work is a deep, potent soul activation & creates transformation in all areas of life, business & money. Everything is interconnected.

She takes women on existential journeys of inner alchemy within her ceremonies, bespoke coaching containers & 121 sessions. Working with the multi-dimensional realms, bringing conscious awareness to blind spots & root causes from both a human self & soul self level. Bringing energetic & soul healing & clearing which creates a frequency shift. Allowing access to deeper wisdom revealed with each person. Re-writing the sub-conscious programming & resetting the nervous system to feel safe to feel. Opening up to a new expansive outer reality of possibilities.

Her clientele includes CEO’s, tech founders, serial entrepreneurs, coaches, healers, psychics, corporate leaders, doctors, lawyers, psychologists, banking professionals, artists, authors & most recently a physicist!

Though in's not about the industry. It's about the soul contract and growth pre-agreed to occur in our time together.

Her style of working is to create a strong, safe, supported energetic container for you to heal, alchemize & evolve into your future self. Minus any chaos. You are held in pristine energy. This is not mainstream coaching. Nor is it talking therapy. This is deep transformational soul work to align to your highest potential. With grounded strategy formed from real world high level business experience minus the masculine hustle!
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