Liberation Series: Opening the channel & embodying your voice. 
 Embodying the sound of your soul

STARTS THURSDAY 25TH April 24 @7pm UK time
Liberation Series: Opening the channel & embodying your voice. 
 Embodying the sound of your soul

Your voice is the transmission of your soul into the world

You are ready to have an access to a level of connection to your true self that you have only glimpsed at thus far

You are ready to feel, receptive no matter what you are experiencing in your life

You are ready to live from your authentic soul truth & fearlessly radiate ALL that you are through your voice, body and field. To transform your reality & liberate yourself.

You are ready to express the joy that is available when the old wounds are released

You are ready to connect to the heart of who you truly are & feel love from deep within that matches nothing you have ever felt

As woman, as oracle, soulful change maker, as divine feminine embodied at this beautiful time on Earth.  A time where we get to EXPRESS!

Your voice and true harmonic is one that will attract to you that which is also seeking you. It switches on a magnetic resonator within the feminine principle

You speak vibration through every chakra and your energy field is in coherence not dissonance

Your soul holds a sacred sound.  Something the ancient Rishi's understood & those within the original tribes passed down orally.  This is why when we start to access & embody soul truth a whole new timeline opens up...

Your voice is your sacred tool just as your body is the temple for source to express through

Trapped emotions, soul loss and programming have suppressed our true expression and trust in ourselves

It is time to fall in love with yourself.  Which means loving your is your soul after all!

This deep transformational immersion will change your life.  Unlock you true power & free you from the conditioning which unconsciously keeps you invisible, not sharing from your heart and more worried about what others think than trusting the importance of sharing your wisdom!

Your medicine is needed - trust the seed planted in your heart before you came here!

Join Us For A Month Long Deep Transformational Group Immersion 

DATE / TIME: Thursday 25th April 24 @ 7:00PM London/UK Time
Via Zoom

This runs for 4 weeks at 7pm UK time via Zoom
Thursday 2nd May 24
Thursday 9th May 24
Thursday 16th May 24

Investment £1111

The  Modern Day High Priestess
Founder of Pure Light 1111, 
Spiritual Life & Business Coach, 
Multi-Dimensional healer , Channel, 
Author, Public Speaker & Podcast Host
Feminine Liberation comes when we recognise we hold the keys to break the Shakcles affecting ourselves & all women who walked before us

What was created due to pain, lack of love & wounding get's to be alchemized

we empower ourselves & act as a beacon of light for others to find theirs

Join Allera Dawn, Founder of PURE LIGHT 1111
THE MODERN DAY HIGH PRIESTESS, for a powerful immersion to heal, transform & evolve from the past

The premise of this way of working through choosing to step into a container to evolve.  Is that by working through the layers of each wound, program, ancestral miasma & supporting the soul to re-integrate at areas of trauma or unmet needs.  There is a completion of the multi dimensional cycle affecting Soul/Energetics-Energy body damage-Body (subconscious)-Emotions-Mind level.  

This is a process of healing, maturation & re-parenting yourself back to wholeness & renewed connection to your own Divine Blueprint & the right to experience pleasure, inner connection, joy, inner peace & a new lens to live more embodied.

It takes up a huge amount of energy to hold onto the past & be weighed down by the past.  This is often a glass ceiling we become held back by.

Now is your time to evolve.  No more learning through the burden & struggles of the past pain.  It's time to liberate your soul & step into the chapter which belongs to your thriving.
Week 1: Opening Ceremony.  
**Identify your true soul purpose in the upcoming new stage of your life during the ascension journey**

Deep liberation Soul level healing, energy field upgrade & new templates to support your evolution. 

We will be working at a multi-dimensional level to identify agreements & timelines which are key blocks to soul and voice embodiment...

1: Agreements with the clan (including secrecy vows). 
2: Past life effects of embodiment trauma & persecution due to using soul gifts & sharing them (including within leadership/power roles, healer wounds, certain mystery school lines who were persecuted for their knowledge.
3: Experiences where embodying your truth caused pain, suffering or death.  
4: Artist, writer, oracle, inventor wounds.  Including fear of going first/ridicule/poverty vows.
5: Review and upgrade your spiritual guidance teams.
Identify your true soul purpose in the upcoming new stage of your life during the ascension journey.  More energy will mean expansion, fresh ideas and energetic support!

Week 2: Healing the vessel & opening the channel.
Root work healing on the core blocks & wounds affecting soul and voice embodiment.  Soul loss, grief, energy entanglements, unexpressed emotion block the ability for the channel of light, chakras and energy field to function.  So it affects your voice, breath and ability to hold a higher vibration.  

 Love, first touch, soul integration into body all effect our unconscious perspective of the world.  We will go deep into the re-architecture level to release imprints affecting early life periods which have affected the development of the chakras and the channel of light.

Week 3: Building the channel & hara - Voice activation & play!  Start to see how you can shift your own reality through the sound of your soul!

The aim is to be able to emit frequency through all your chakras and then start to build your light body!  This is where the magic of sound can transform life blocks as they are literally a reflection of an inner energy block!  

Explore the new level of magnetism you start to build daily through these practices.

Clarity of thought & deeper trust in the intuitive downloads as you can ensure you are a clear vessel & identify any dissonance.

Week 4: Becoming the pillar of light.
This ancient practice is the next layer to building these foundations.  To be able to hold yourself in hara for 30mins (direct access to void) whilst your field and body is in alignment.  This is the power connection of heaven to earth.  Immersed in a flow of energy source and soul.  This is where through aligned intention you will be able to not only code your own energy field...your voice will become your most powerful creation ally.

Throughout the immersion you will be provided with integration materials to support your own inner self awareness & moving through the energy upgrades.  Plus exercises to be done daily in between the sessions that build upon each other.  

Giving you an ancient toolkit for modern day life!

Mundane to magic!

The Power Of Fierce Love & Open Hearts During These Changes Is What Will Be A Catalyst
Of Collective Change

DATE / TIME: Thursday 25th April 24 @ 7:00PM London/UK Time
Via Zoom 

This is a space for you if...

- You Know you have an important message to share

-You desire more energy to create greater impact

- you desire to connect on a heart & soul level with people in your life & also your soulmate clients & community

- Resistance to being fully seen, trust & safety issues in fully speaking your truth are patterns you have engaged with

- You have silenced yourself & become caught up in strategies, business models & new tactics that have left you Deflated and lacking passion

- you have reached a glass ceiling & know your next level is calling but you aren't sure on the steps or direction

- you have gone through great change, a timeline jump & re-birth.  There is a period of void and you are being called to re-discover who you really are

-You desire to deeply feel more love within, ability to access safety & create from the child like innocence of play

- You have experienced loss, grief or trauma and lost your spark.  you are ready to reclaim it & start thriving again

-You desire to connect to your higher self & source to become deeply connected & aligned

- you are seeking to feel more open emotionally & energetically. 

This Is A Space For You If...
You Are Desiring To Upgrade Your Connection To Your Purpose, Voice & Inner Truth

- You Desire To Make Changes In All Areas Of Life By Being More Of Who You Came Here To Be

- You Are Curious About How You Can Make Changes Within Yourself That Influence Others Around You

- You Are In A leadership Role & Want To Understand How To Have Greater Impact Through Being You...Energy & Speaking From The Open Channel

- You Are Committed to Healing From The Wounds That Are Keeping You In Fear & Scarcity

- You Have Noticed Patterns That Appear As Blocks To Abundance When You Are Required To Step Up (Money Flow, New Business/Clients & Opportunities, Love)

Allera Dawn, Founder of PURE LIGHT 1111

Allera Dawn is shaking up industries & perceptions.

Known as The Modern Day High Priestess, founder of Pure Light 1111 & creator of her ground-breaking Soul Architect Series ™ healing technology.

Allera is a visionary & change maker who is using her experience to bridge between many industries going through huge evolution, including Finance, Business & Wellness. Her unique edge is that she has 25 years first-hand experience working within them all.
Her belief is that we need conscious leaders who have evolved past their own inner wounds to take us through this next stage of humanities evolution. 

Allera works with women ready to become unapologetically all of themselves. Helping them reclaim their feminine power, heal from past trauma, rewrite their life script & access more pleasure, wealth & impact. Her work is a deep, potent soul activation & creates transformation in all areas of life, business & money. Everything is interconnected.

She takes women on existential journeys of inner alchemy within her ceremonies, bespoke coaching containers & 121 sessions. Working with the multi-dimensional realms, bringing conscious awareness to blind spots & root causes from both a human self & soul self level. Bringing energetic & soul healing & clearing which creates a frequency shift. Allowing access to deeper wisdom revealed with each person. Re-writing the sub-conscious programming & resetting the nervous system to feel safe to feel. Opening up to a new expansive outer reality of possibilities.

Her clientele includes CEO’s, tech founders, serial entrepreneurs, coaches, healers, psychics, corporate leaders, doctors, lawyers, psychologists, banking professionals, artists, authors & most recently a physicist!

Her style of working is to create a strong, safe, supported energetic container for you to heal, alchemize & evolve into your future self. Minus any chaos. You are held in pristine energy. This is not mainstream coaching. Nor is it talking therapy. This is deep transformational soul work to align to your highest potential. With grounded strategy formed from real world high level business experience minus the masculine hustle!
2024 © Copyright Pure Light 1111 Ltd. All Rights Reserved.