Keys Of The Goddess- 
The Light Of Isis Healing System™
A Conscious Intelligence Healing System For The Awakening Of The Aquarian Age

The Awakening Of The Liberated Daughters Of Goddess ISIS
The Modern Day Divine Vessel-Channel-Healer-Mage

 Keys Of The Goddess-
The Light Of Isis Healing System™

Become the Key Holder of The Light of ISIS Healing System 

This powerful journey is an invitation to Fully embody the system  through your own inititaion journey to heal yourself, open your physical body/channels/energy bodies to hold the energy system & utilize the keys, symbols and tools to accelerate healing breakthroughs in your own clients

this is a re-birth of the priestess way for the modern day woman on the awakening journey

Becoming the channel-vessel-instrument-healer & liberated priestess of Goddess Isis

To awaken your deep soul wisdom, advanced psychic & healing abilities & bring them into the modern day of life & business as a gift to assist in the new aquarian age

Learn her sacred tools which allow you to move through your own personal growth journey with more ease.  Then learn to share the medicine with others.

When you agree to hold the keys...Goddess Isis will align the opportunity to use them

allera started to receive this Healing system in 2015 after a series of events literally brought the initiations to use these tools directly to her.  Her spiritual gifts have always switched on through need and often in moments of danger or emergency.

These events were divinely orchestrated for her to access the transmission of energy through her field and latent healing abilities awoke in the moment as she was called to assist in a series of emergency accidents which occured in front of her over a period of 6 weeks

Her guidance teams showed her it was time to say 'yes' to a Divine pre birth soul contract to embody the template of The Modern Day High Priestess.  This is an ongoing path of evolution through spiritual initiation.

 She started deepening her connection with Goddess Isis as she went through a fast track initiation of soul growth in 2016.
Seeing her have over 300 past lives become activated in a matter of months & having to create a way to clear, heal & track through these whilst remaining grounded.  Knowing this was a huge Karmic clearing.
heal an injury in 4 months when told by a consultant it would take 9. 
deep dive into understanding the reason for the 2 near death experiences which occured in childhood
expand the multi dimensional psychic channeling abilities she had hidden since childhood

This was only the beginning

By the start of 2017 Allera culminated the lessons, tools and wisdom of her experiences & launched her business.  Bringing together her grounded background in Finance & training in Clinical hypnotherapy & Gestalt Therapy with the embodied soul wisdom she was being initiated through

Once she had completed her own initiations she would channel this into the containers, immersions, teachings she offered to the women in her community.  Allowing them to receive the medicine and continue to grow, heal & learn existentially through the initiations they were led on

She has created transformational healing ceremonies, group immersions, masterminds & 121 sessions for clients internationally.  Along with pouring her knowledge & healing through online courses & her podcast

To be a vessel for ISIS.  Means you will be led to where you are needed.  Your words can become healing transmissions & paths cross for purposes outside of the realms of the mind

If you have been drawn to this page.  The Goddess is reminding you to: 

 embody who you truly are 
attract what you desire in life & awaken your feminine creative life force fully 
Step Into Your Light & become a conduit of awakening in others
  • Learn the method to use the Keys Of The Goddess-The Light Of Isis Healing System™ for yourself & your clients.
  • The lasting change comes from the root soul & energetic work. Which is why embodied leaders are needed. Those who can hold a dominant stabilized frequency through change. This healing system allows you to work with others who are across all industries & even belief systems. Many will be seeking support in the coming years as current mainstream personal development focussed on mindset and belief re-programming is missing the key component of our being...we are energetic soul consciousness. 
  • Imagine becoming a channel for clear guidance- We aren't put on Earth to guess our way through the life adventure.  We have assigned teams & often pre-agreed contracts to collaborate with the Goddess to activate our dormant gifts from other timelines.  Their support and guidance acts as a bridge to our embodiment as a channel, healer & developing our psychic abilities to fulfil our soul path & ultimately contribute to humanities evolution.
  • Imagine if you could lean to map and track energy through your own body, field and into the root timelines.  So you could gain the reasons for the trapped energy, repeating loops and trauma.  What if you saw your triggers as opportunities that expanded you past the upper limits as they release energy blocks & allow soul integration.  You were confident in the deep dive and how to go to root including the healing in 30minutes.  Then could do this for your clients in minutes as you are more emotionally detached from the experience & can gather all the information yourself & work with Goddess Isis & the keys, symbols & healing energy system to transmute it & bring in new learnings and a higher vibrational set point.
  •  Imagine being able to heal the deep wounding of the feminine for yourself and your lineage.  Then accessing and awakening the sacred temple teachings of sacred sexuality & allowing your life to experience more flow, pleasure & magic.  Learn the ancient sex alchemy from the Isis teachings. Reclaiming the wisdom of the womb and entering the portal of a more heart led experience in line with where humanity is headed.
  • Learn the hidden mysteries of the Temples through your own past life experiences and from those within the sisterhood. What is written in print is not the full story for any of the priestess lineages from Egypt, Atlantis, Greece or Rome. Our souls wish for liberation & Goddess Isis is asking us to heal ourselves & share the wisdom codes. Bring truth to light.
  • Learn how to access multi dimensional timelines & gather the details of events, wounds and lessons which are affecting you or your clients present day lives.  Then utilize the keys, toolkit whilst channeling the light of Isis through the light bodies & soul matrix for resolution.
  • Identify the highest priority karma affecting you and keeping you attracting circumstances that trigger you & keep you blocked.
  • Clear your karma for your past life priestess lineages & where you have been a healer, oracle, channel.  So you can move forwards with your life & business without attracting in the karmic soulmate clients.
  • Imagine learning how to be an energetic spiritual space holder through the transitions of life & death.  To understand how this could deeply improve the current system.  The role of the spiritual midwife is also important - to know how to assist the soul on this journey and set up the energy field to facilitate.
  •  To finally alchemize your wounds from childhood unmet needs, parental projections & ancestral patterning which has you living unconsciously through the lens of the emotionally undeveloped child parts within.  This is key to being able to also track this shadow thread for your clients.  This is a time of accelerated soul growth. An opportunity to evolve past cycles of being caught in replaying karmic consequences of acting outside of Divine laws. To evolve both in human emotional maturity & soul frequency & mastery. We are literally re-parenting ourselves whilst integrating the drip fed knowledge of the soul contracts, karma & ancestral dynamics we are operating through.  In clearing this through your energy channels and the multiple layers of your energy bodies (light bodies).  You become a clear channel.  You can transmit the Guidance of the light councils and Goddess Isis with neutrality not through the filter of wounding and unconscious bias.  This allows you to assist your clients in moving through these blind spots as well.
  • The priestess path calls for authenticity & embodiment.  It is a path of unification & devotion to a higher pathway regardless of the past.  Her light is calling to be re-born through humanity right now.  

The Priestess Is The Ultimate Channel
She embodies her activated channels 
She has healed her inner feminine
She has activated the inner fire of kundalini & works with her sexual channels for creativity, manifestation & personal healing
She holds the codes the patriarchy sought to stamp out
Her power is fully within 
No one can take this from her
She is the Goddess & is the pathway to source

This Practitioner Journey Is For You If:

This program is specifically for women who have a deep calling to assist in the awakening of Humanity & anchor the Divine Feminine Codes of Goddess Isis through their own Life expression 

  • You may already be within the divine feminine healing art communities but know deep in your soul there is something of your own inner mysteries that needs to be birthed as part of your own unique soul offering.  You know there is an initiation awaiting for you.
  • You are called to learn, heal, reclaim & integrate your past life soul wisdom in connection with the Priestess lineages and it's present day impact on your own life, body connection, relationship with source/God & your sexual life force energy.
  • You have learnt what is in the books and many different concepts but are ready to uncover what was never written.  To understand your own soul history & receive the teachings they tried to suppress.
  • You work with women whether in business, coaching, healing, psychotherapy or consulting for example.  You know there is a deeper layer of transformation that needs to be included within your work that isn't spiritually dogmatic or requiring any kind of elaborate ceremony (for example you may work with a more mainstream community).  You recognise there is a need for Divine Feminine energy awakening, healing and integration in your clients even if they do not currently come to you for that 'problem'.  (Know the Goddess will open these doors when you choose to initiate with her). 
  • You are ready to hone your channeling, healing & psychic abilities.  To be open to different teachings.  This process is about embodiment.  As you go deeper and remove the blocks.  Your channels will become clearer & more harmonised.  So you will become the clear channel.  This requires a devotion to your craft, energy hygiene & integrating the new tools your are given.  
  • You are ready to work with your lower chakras.  In particular the sexual energy channels and become rooted into the body & the Earth.  This work isn't only about accessing the higher realms through the upper channels.  It is about becoming the pillar of light above and below.
  • You know the power of feeling good, tapping into turn on in life as a guidance of alignment.  You are already incorporating personal practices for self care, exercise, nutrition & are in good physical & mental health.  
  • You understand the Divine Feminine energy was suppressed for a reason.  It's power was feared.  The persecution of it and also personal rejection of our feminine power lives within us and plays out in our mother wounds, sisterhood wounds, connection to sex, money & the masculine.  It affects how we manifest & society needs us to take back our power from all that has occurred and embody her wisdom.  In doing so we start to radiate and live & love more fully expressed.  
  • An initiation means to go through an existential experience to learn & master something.  Although this container will include resource materials.  The main work is through the experiencing, action and alignment that causes for yourself.  The integration and ability to understand the beauty of the process. 
  • The Isis Priestess is integrated in her masculine & feminine energy.  In order to love and accept my true inner feminine & all the ways she expresses.  I too appreciate and honour my inner masculine including my intelligence, inner fire, strength & ability to hold my own.  I do not disown my more potent powerful sides incase they don't fit in within society or the spiritual communities ideas of these expressions.  That has been part of the illusion and catch...patriarchal society didn't want women to remember or embody their power, sexuality, body, intelligence or their innate sensitivity and intuitive nature.  The more busy, distracted, burnt out and living in time/money/love/rest scarcity...the less we could forge a deeper connection with the truth of our feminine power.  

Message from Goddess Isis

Dear sisters of the light
It is our time to shine.  To be reborn into our gifts, glory & radiance from the shadows 
Your beauty, your strength, your courage is needed 
You are the light that activates others
We stowed away sacred keys & hid all we could within
Yet nothing truly can be hidden forever
Just as energy never dies neither did the wisdom you were initiated in
The frequency of the priestess 
The creatrix in form
Is being re-born in modern times
A frequency leader without limits of region, religion or industry stage
It has come a time where your fullest light, magic, voice & medicine must be seen
You will never walk this path alone
I am your guide, ally & protector


I've Been Processing And Integrating & It's Made A Huge Difference In My Life Within Days!
I'm Not As Afraid To Go Into The Ocean And Am Now Going Swimming Every Other Day.
My Throat Chakra Is Also Not Feeling As Constricted.
 I Feel Calmer And Activate My Hara To Come Into Alignment Easily Too. So Thank You!

Cally (United States)

I’ve Had Some Pretty Big Shifts & Realisations! The Biggest Is The Embodiment Of Parts Of Myself That I Compartmentalised & Disconnected From Because I Felt They Were Bad. I Realise At Root I Was Afraid Of The Power I Hold.
 I’m Beginning To Consciously Choose Not To Show Up In Ways That I Have Done In Other Lifetimes. I Know This Is In Layers.
I Also Notice I Feel A Lot Lighter In My Sacral Chakra And There’s Energy Moving Through It. Which Wasn’t Happening Before.
I Have Learned So Much And From What The Other Women Shared. I Am Excited To See What The Future Brings.
Ann (United States)

I Have Learned So Much About Boundaries Both Physically & Energetically.
 I Can Now Discern What Is My Energy And What Belongs To Others.
 As An Empath I Now Know I Do Not Need To Take On The Emotional Energy Of Others, I Have A Choice. I Can See The Tests I Attracted. Including Allowing Past Healers To Remain Plugged In And Draining My Life Force.
I See The Lessons And Am Becoming Consciously Aware Of My Power.
Each Time I Have Attracted A Challenging Experience It Has Brought A Soul Gift. One Which Free’s Us.

Charleen (South Africa)

I Am In The Process Of A Huge Upgrade. To Allow Me To Step Into My True Potential.
 In The Past I Would Have Resisted. This Time Is Different. I Have Stood In My Power And Spoken Up.
I Am Making Sure My Values Align With The Person I Am Becoming And I Can See A Bright Future Unravelling Before Me.
Alice (UK)

I Knew I Had To Work With Allera After Experiencing Positive Results With One Of Her Free Programmes.
I Knew I Had Blocks And Agreements To Clear But Didn't Know How To Go About This.
 Allera Created A Safe Space For Me To Share In And Learn Whilst Being Supported.
After The Clearing I Was Able To Develop A Deeper Connection To My Spirit Guides And To Learn New Ways Of Working Which Included Receiving Symbols To Include In The Artwork That I Am Bringing Through.
Michelle (uK)

I Am Certainly Feeling The Faster Energies. There Is More Momentum & Flow.
The Witch Wound & Past Lives Clearing Has Shifted Dynamics With Many People In My Life. I Have Seen Those With Previous Resistance Towards Me Do A Complete 360 In The Workplace & Offering Support!
Thank You, Thank You Thank You For Yet Another Next Level Allera!


Founder of PURE LIGHT 1111

Allera Dawn is shaking up industries & perceptions. 

Known as The Modern Day High Priestess, founder of Pure Light 1111 & creator of her ground-breaking Soul Architect Series ™ healing technology. 

Allera is a visionary & change maker who is using her experience to bridge between many industries going through huge evolution, including Finance, Business & Wellness. Her unique edge is that she has first-hand experience working within them.  

Her belief is that we need conscious leaders who have evolved past their own inner wounds to take us through this next stage of humanities evolution.  Those who are able to hold a stable energy field, vision & direction amongst rapid change.  This requires a huge shift in perspective as we move into an era of frequency.  The top down models crumble when we see 50% with an activated heart field (we're at 49%).  Naturally driving all changes in choices in who we work for, where we live, how we educate children & new ways of conscious business forming.

There will be a huge rise in the need for those who hold the embodied priestess wisdom & can guide people through the initiations of inner alchemy so they can lead from it.  

When women awaken to the true depths of their feminine power.  The truth is revealed around the fear this created in Patriarchy and just why is was stamped out.  It's only us who can reclaim this.  It is through us we re-birth it.  We are the change.

Allera works with women ready to become unapologetically all of themselves. Helping them reclaim their feminine power, heal from past trauma, rewrite their life script & access more pleasure, wealth & impact. Her work is a deep, potent soul activation & creates transformation in all areas of life, business & money. Everything is interconnected.

She takes women on existential journeys of inner alchemy within her ceremonies, bespoke coaching containers & 121 sessions.  Working with the multi-dimensional realms, bringing conscious awareness to blind spots & root causes from both a human self & soul self level.  Bringing energetic & soul healing & clearing which creates a frequency shift.  Allowing access to deeper wisdom revealed with each person.  Re-writing the sub-conscious programming & resetting the nervous system to feel safe to feel.  Opening up to a new expansive outer reality of possibilities.  

Her clientele includes CEO’s, tech founders, serial entrepreneurs, coaches, healers, doctors, lawyers, psychologists, banking professionals, artists, authors & most recently a physicist!

Though in truth...it's not about the industry.  It's about the soul contract and growth pre-agreed to occur in our time together.

Her style of working is to create a strong, safe, supported energetic container for you to heal, alchemize & evolve into your future self. Minus any chaos. You are held in pristine energy. This is not mainstream coaching. Nor is it talking therapy. This is deep transformational soul work to align to your highest potential.  With grounded strategy formed from real world high level business experience minus the masculine hustle!
As an embodied certified practitioner of the Keys Of The Goddess- The Light Of Isis Healing System™

You will offer four unique principles to your clients.  

1:  Embodiment.  You have integrated through personal initiation.  You have walked the path first.  You have dedicated time, energy & resources to walk the path of the Priestess & in doing so align with Goddess ISIS as a guide & ally (along with a new spiritual team of experts).  In doing so not only do you learn how to delve into the root causes and multi dimensional soul elements of healing.  You are able to track from physical pattern, block and manifestation through to the relevant energy centre, level of the field, subconscious patterning & soul path.  Triggers truly become gifts as we can track past the emotional reaction and beliefs to greater depths which allow us to provide deep healing utilizing the keys, symbols and many other tools gifted through this system.

2: You have been initiated as a clear channel to utilize this healing system.
This means you have gone through an indepth process to understand the history of these abilities, healed any abuse of power or fear of using them & your own core wounds.  In knowing your own shadows & trigger points.  You are taught how to address any energetic interference.  Ensuring you maintain you stability & clarity.  You have become the clear channel and prepared the vessel & energy field to hold a higher current and band width of frequency.  In doing so you will naturally notice a shift in your outer life circumstances as you will align to more harmony.  The more you work with this energy system the more is will open up your soul path to incorporate it as you go forth and assist others on their awakening path.  

3: You will open to more of your own soul abilities and wisdom to come into form.
As a clear channel it becomes easier for you to download the next idea, book, coaching program or retreat.  The more you remain a clear channel & work with the energy system for your own continued self healing & transformation.  Along with the focus on positive intent and alignment to support the awakening of humanity through your offerings.  The more opportunities will open as you say 'yes'. 

4:  You will be able to more easily channel the information needed by your clients in business, strategy, healing & life direction.  You already have the translation codes of your expertise within different industries which are going to be evolving over the next 2-6 years.  Therefore you have the ability support as a high calibre visionary to assist through within the systems move through their own awakening & also offer the out of the box thinking that aligns with the new Earth templates and frequencies to be birthed into new conscious business models & communities.  Therefore this practitioner certification offers an opportunity to incorporate it within consulting, change management & much more.  Which in turn allows you to bring your unique wisdom forward to assist the in the raising of humanities consciousness.

This is a modality which is designed to be integrated and embodied for modern day life.  Deep transformation which can be integrated into creating a more soul aligned life.

As a practitioner you will have demonstrated your own self discoveries, life transformation, self healing & usage of these abilities, tools & energy system to a high proficiency with case study clients.  Which in turn also forms part of your own soul journey & something you can use in wisdom storytelling to assist clients.
A time has come where once more the energies, wisdom & embodiment of the priestess must be re-born. Not to repeat the past or become bound to a Temple, taking on a life in servitude to a god/goddess or in sacrifice of living an abundant earthly life.

The Priestess lineage holds the keys of the Goddess through many of the initiations taken in the secrecy of the ancient mystery schools.  These lie dormant till once again the time is ready to re-awaken and initiate into present day embodiment.

These women were the conduit and vessel for the Divine Feminine life force.  Understanding the true power of both the voice, body, energy field & soul as a transmitter & transmuter of light consciousness.

The eons of patriarchal rule, conditioning and the programming inherited from conception to age 22 along with our soul/ancestral line karma are the blocks to humanity fully awakening to their potential. A merge of the Divine Human and the Divine Soul whilst in physical embodiment.

This is a journey back to our full suite of intuitive gifts and psychic abilities.  This is a pathway back to our Divinity.  Connection through the Crown - Third Eye- Throat- Higher Heart- Heart, Womb & rooted deeply into the Earth.  It is to weave the flow of energy through the clear channels and multi energy bodies.  Allowing us to safely re-awaken our Merkaba & balance our inner masculine & feminine energies.  

This is an activation to re-claim the importance of bliss, pleasure and our connection to our sexual energy for creative purposes.  To access this flow of energy without shame or limitation & access the power of the inner creatrix in your life.

You are also initiated to work with the healing energy current/transmission whilst also utilising relevant keys, symbols & tools.  This is also something which can be utilized remotely (quantum healing).

- To become a voice for the Goddess (clear channel & guide)
- To emanate the heart of ISIS (Healing transmission to bypass mind & matter)
- To become a pillar of light (Embodying the channeled frequency within the Keys of the Goddess- The light of Isis Healing System™ activates the light bodies, chakras, stabilizes the frequency & assists in holding a new higher vibration as each energy centre/field has been healed from the core wounding, imprints and programming. Allowing radiance, so lower energies do not have as much influence or hold).
- A healing conduit of clear channeled frequency (utilise the activations and healing frequency for self & others)
- A bridge between the higher unseen realms and physical reality (to become to vessel of the Goddess & allow her to support you in in grounding your purpose & dreams into reality)
- A transmuter of illusion, trauma, energy discordance, soul blocks & ability to track root cause issues to create quantum leaps in healing (Learn to track your triggers & alchemize at root so you can assist your clients on their own healing & transformation path. Work with the keys, symbols, activations & the energy transmissions for self healing & with clients).
To become a birth keeper of transformation (Spiritual Birth & Death doula- Understanding the role of the spiritual midwife & how this can assist humanity in viewing life, change & the unknown differently)
To re-weave the missing milestones & teachings for girls and women (Healing the wounds in self and others that affect our connection to our bodies, birth, sexuality, menstruation/fertility, feminine energy & relationship to power)

The pathway of the initiation is to first Know thyself- Heal Thyself & Then Awaken Others.

This 9 month group practitioner training will be a life transformation as you once again allow yourself to become a holder of the keys of the Goddess.  Goddess ISIS will work closely with you & your soul to re-arrange your timelines to allow you to express & share the embodied keys through the awakening of the Aquarian age.  This will open up new timelines, opportunities & pull those towards you who need this medicine.

This is not a linear journey of the mind.  This is of great offering, honour & service to hold these keys & share them throughout the world as the old patriarchal systems crumble & we heal from it's impact.

 Due to the sacred nature of these teachings.  An outline of what is covered is broken down below.

This is a 9 Month Practitioner Training
Split into 3 portals (each 3 months long)
It includes written materials & the live zoom based sessions
Each month There are 3 group sessions & one week off for integration
(All replays and materials are available on the membership site if unable to attend live session)
Homework: Integration, reflection and understanding journals 
Case studies: 8 client case studies are required in order to gain certification 
1 x Private 121 Attunement session with Allera

Initiation- Aligning the inner sanctum: 
- In these 3 months we open the Initiation process and container.  This includes deeper teachings around the Goddess of 10,000 names and we will map and identify all of the lineages our soul carries.

-Sisterhood wounds in the Temple.  We will face the karma we hold between us and heal the wounds of separation created during the fall of the Temples.

- Understand the priestess lineage key timelines and how they have shaped you present relationships and circles.  Including how to manage the more heavy karmic pieces this involves.

- The past Lineage (sacred drama) and Goddess Isis vision for a modern day revival of the priestess wisdom

- Liberation ceremony and initiation to become a Key holder.

- Learning about the energy centres, energy bodies & the soul.  Energy field repair and activation.  Beginning to actively work with all levels and systems.  

- Strengthening your connection with Goddess Isis and removing the limits around psychic development & becoming a channel. 

- Energy centre activations to start clearing process for the new energy system to be held.

- By the end of this period you will be able to map your own inner sanctum story, how this is reflected through each layer of your multiple energy bodies & determine ancestral stories &  past life connections active and requiring healing in preparation for the next portal.

- Activations and receiving transmissions to complete the portal lessons & initiations

Embodiment & Self Mastery: 
As we have worked on mapping our own field in portal 1 & starting to work as a portal of light.  The key will be to start to bring the new keys, tools and wisdom into practice for yourself.  

- Healing core wounds & understanding the deeper shadow work for the soul & it's retrieval, rehabilitation & integration.  Be able to map these across Divine Human, personality defence mechanisms in the energy field and Divine soul perspective.

- Healing past live & ancestral patterns & karma

- Healing core wounding with inner masculine & feminine through mother/father/God/Goddess healing.  Understanding our own wounding patterns and how these are affecting the life we are creating and the relationships we hold with self and others.

- Introduction of new spiritual healing teams, tools, methods & energy system method activation. Activating next stages of the energy bodies and Merkaba.

- Group healing and training examples amongst the group.

By the end of the portal you will have healed your mother/father/god wounds. You will have integrated your masculine and feminine energies & healed from societal and past life wounding.  You will be able to understand the ancestral templates which have been suppressing you fully activating the priestess blueprint and why.  

You will understand the deeper layers of investigation & process inorder to remove blocks to sovereignty from all timelines and Galactic influence.

You will understand your relationship with money, sex, your body, certain relationship choices and even what has influenced your sexual blueprints.

You will be able to approach triggers as gateways for growth and be able to get to root through the multiple layers in a much quicker time.

At the end of the portal you will have learned to use the Keys, some of the sacred codes for healing & been channeling the light of Isis energy system whilst energetically working the field. 

You will have opened up to new soul gifts & have a wide vide of your soul purpose ahead.
Become the Practitioner: 
-Initiated into the Heart & Womb portal of Isis:  Sexual Arts Training.  Awakening your kundalini fire serpent and the cauldron of creation.  Learning to work with sex alchemy for healing, manifestation.  How to use this energy to channel into your soul work & life.

-Entering the womb mysteries within back to the womb grids.  Reclaiming energetic sovereignty at a multi dimensional level.

- Connection to your own womb, menstrual cycles & pleasure.  Yoni steaming, womb packs, yoni eggs & more.  Movement, dance, sound, breath activations.  Healing your path from girl to woman which isn't marked or celebrated in western society.

- Channeling the Goddess in birthkeeping.

- Healing generational trauma, patterning, curses and control through the womb.  Understanding the patriarchal influence on the womb.

- Healing your birth experience and tracking the ancestral miasms to break the cycles.  

- Understanding fertility.  Pre-conception karmic clearing for pregnancy of the new high frequency children desiring to incarnate.

- Peri menopause and menopause healing- tracking ancestral karma and trauma patterns for alchemy.  

- Soul work- Spiritual midwifery: miscarriage, birth, death doula (How to set up the space & facilitate transitions).  

- Working with Blue Lotus in ceremony.

-  Keys Of The Goddess-The Light Of Isis Healing System™: Holding practice sessions & how to use this with groups.

- How to run and hold sessions. Including setting up the space and physical and energetic boundaries.  The pre and after care for self and client. 

- Weaving together everything you have experienced, embodied and integrated into your transformation  'journey story' over the course of the 9 months.  Your re-birth through initiation.  You inner and outer life changes and the new vision, purpose and direction that has been opened for you to take this embodied wisdom forwards to share with others.

2024 © Copyright Pure Light 1111 Ltd. All Rights Reserved.